Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Home Remedies For Fever

A fever is consider to be any temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. One should get concern when temperature raises above 102 degrees Fahrenheit for an adult and 103 degrees Fahrenheit for children. If a fever is making you uncomfortable, however, or is interfering with your ability to eat, drink, or sleep, treat it. Your body needs adequate nutrition, hydration, and rest to fight the underlying cause of the fever. Fever is the way the body acts to destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Drink lots of water as it can help to replace fluid loss and also bring down body temperature.
  • Drink fruit juice. Any fruit juice, including lemonade, will replace the fluids lost through sweating.
  • Take a warm shower bath.
  • Rest as much as possible.
  • Dry roast 2-3 teaspoons of fenugreek (methi) seeds till it become brown. Grind them to powder and boil in half glass of water. Strain the water,add a drop of ghee and drink. This will reduce the temperature.
  • Putting an ice pack or damp cloth on your forehead will cool your body down temporarily.
For high fever:
  • Soak 2 cloths or hankerchiefs in egg whites and put on the soles of the feet and cover with socks. The egg whites start to draw the temperature from the brain to the feet.
  • Put a few slices of onion in your socks then wear them. The onion will draw the fever out.

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