Healing the heart is not only possible, but also within your reach. Here are some home remedies you’ll find in your very own kitchen. Drink pure water, get fresh air, and proper rest and sleep, doing moderate exercising and yoga is beneficial.
- Drink pomegranate juice on regular basis or whenever one has chest congestion or heart aches. This is one of the useful home remedies for heart problems.
- Take in equal amount ginger juice with water DAILY and say goodbye to heart problems.
- Take 2-3 pieces of garlic with one cup of boiled milk, best way to prevent heart problems.
- Chewing 8-10 Holy Basil leaves along with 2-3 black pepper gives a miraculous relief from heart pain.
- Gooseberry (amla) is considered effective home remedy.
- Lemon prevents heart problems as it avoids the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels.
- An apple consumed daily is good for heart.
- Beet juice is measured the most effective for heart ailments.
- Honey has got marvellous properties to prevent all sorts of heart disease. It tones up the heart and improves the circulation. 1 Tablespoon of honey after food prevents all heart troubles, palpitations and cardiac pain.
- Parsley tea can be taken 3-4 times in a day.
- Habitual exercise is the most important for healthy heart.
- One must immediately STOP Smoking and also Excess intake of alcohol should be restricted for heart care.
- Excess intake of Salt should be avoided.
- Try using olive oil instead of other vegetable oils when cooking.
- A well balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables and cereals with natural fibre is highly advisable.
- Peanut butter, outer leaves of cabbage, green vegetables and whole meal products with lots of Vitamin E improves circulation and function of the heart. Also Vitamin B found in whole grains and others are important for heart and circulatory disorders.
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