Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Home Remedies For Worms

  • Lots of water and lot of fibrous food to eat might get worms to excrete out by the rigorous bowel movement.
  • Feed your child some raw garlic with milk. Carrots, pomegranate, beet roots and pumpkin seeds are also helpful in eliminating worms. You can also simply cut and onion and leave it in a cup of water overnight. In the morning, take out the onion which will be fleshy and pulp now, squeeze it into the cup to remove all water and make your child drink the water in the cup. Repeat this for four days in a row. The worms will die and will be flushed out on naturally.
  • Coconuts are considered a great remedy for de-worming. Coconut can help to eliminate several kinds of worms that may be present in your child’s stomach. Grate a fresh coconut finely. Mix it directly into some milk or boil it with milk and give it to your child to drink. Give your child this decoction four times in a day.
  • Castor oil can also remedy worms in the stomach. However, children often dislike the consistency and taste of this oil and may be reluctant to have even a small dose. Make sure that you do not use more than a teaspoon of castor oil or else your child may suffer from mild diarrhea.
  • Using garlic as a home remedy for worm infection is one of the oldest home treatment method. If ingesting garlic is not suiting you, then you can place couple of cloves of garlic in your shoes. Your feet will crush it and the garlic will be absorbed through your blood stream. Garlic capsules may also help.
  • Eating fruits and green vegetables is a good way of detoxifying your body. And this is considered as the most easy method of killing parasitic worms.
  • Asafetida is another remedy for stomach worms. Have asafetida in empty stomach. Mix it with warm water and have. If you are using asafetida powder, have a half teaspoonful in warm water. This is very effective. Use asafetida in vegetable dishes and pickles.
  • Eating carrots for breakfast helps eliminate worm infection. Eat grated carrot alone for breakfast for few days. Do not have tea or other food items other than carrot for break fast. Continue this for few days. Stomach worms will be washed out of your body
  • Pineapple juice taken early morning in empty stomach would save you from stomach worms. Have pineapple juice for 10 days. Intestinal worms would be eliminated
  • Eat pumpkin with seeds for breakfast. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It is more effective if eaten raw. Have this for breakfast (do not eat other foods) for 3 to 4 days. Stomach worms will be expelled from the body.
  • Drinking boiled water with rock salt would also help you get rid of intestinal worms. Put half a teaspoon of rock salt into boiled water and have it early morning for seven days. Have breakfast only after 2 hours of drinking this water. This would destroy intestinal worms in your body.

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